Update: Powershell Remote WMI Defrag

As with most things in life, people are only happy with limited features for a little while, and then the enhancement requests pour in.
The administration guys at the office have been using the remote defrag script for a couple of weeks, and soon realised that there was no way for them to show off the results of their labour to management. So inevitably, they requested that I add some sort of reporting to the script which they can send to management.

Initially, I had all the results write out to a text file, for each volume, but this became a mess to manage after you defrag hundreds of servers with multiple volumes. Having recently completed the Exchange 2003 audit script with the use of Virtu-Al’s HTML template, I imagined it would be possible to report the defrag results using a similar format.

The script runs through a list of servers, contained in servers.txt and starts a remote defrag using WMI. It waits for the process to complete and then moves on to the next volume. The script will check if dfrgntfs.exe is running on the remote host, and then skip that server.

The script changes the colour of the drive on the report, based on whether a defrag was actually run or not. Green means it was skipped, orange that defrag was already running and red that it was defragged.
Finally, at the bottom of each drives’ report the script will give you a quick before and after result.

The script can be downloaded from my Skydrive:

Remote Defrag using WMI

This is a script I created to analyze and defrag Windows 2003 server volumes using the WMI win32_volume defrag method.  The script will collect all volumes on a list of remote servers using WMI. Each volume is then analyzed for fragmentation using the FilePercentFragmentation property. If the fragmentation property is higher than 10 the script will initiate a remote defrag on the volume.  You should see a process on the remote server called “dfrgntfs.exe” running while the defrag is in progress. Sadly I have not found a method to track the progress of the defrag process. You can adjust the fragmentation percentage threshold at which a defrag is initiated by editing line 12.  Replace “SERVER1” “SERVER2” with your server names. Comments or suggestions are always welcome.

$servers="SERVER1", "SERVER2"
foreach( $server in $servers){
Write-Host ""
$v=(gwmi win32_volume -computer $server)
"CURRENT SERVER: {0} " -f $server
"NUMBER VOLUMES: {0} " -f $v.length

foreach( $volume in $v){
Write-Host ""
write-host "Analyzing fragmentation on" ($volume.DriveLetter) "..."
if ($frag -gt "10") {
write-host "Drive" ($volume.DriveLetter) "is currently" $frag "% fragmented." -foreground RED
write-host "Starting remote defrag..."
else {
write-host "Drive" ($volume.DriveLetter) "is not fragmented" -foreground GREEN
Write-Host ""